After dealing with the rental market for 16 years, the CEO of Housing Denmark, Steen Lundsfryd, knows exactly what it takes to get a home rented out - quickly and well.
Housing Denmark is Denmark's largest broker of rental housing, and behind the company is Steen Lundsfryd. He has a past as a marketing manager in the automotive industry, but made a career change back in 2004, where he saw opportunities in the home rental market.
"I was inspired by one of my good friends who worked in the industry, and then got myself a lot of ideas for what could be optimized in an industry that I thought was a bit dusty," says Steen Lundsfryd.
It may sound like an obvious idea, and Steen Lundsfryd himself calls it ‘a low-hanging fruit’, but better customer service was one of the things he saw the opportunity in significantly improving.
“It is about that you must respond promptly to inquiries you receive. The decision-making process is very short when people need to rent a home. This is because it is a housing solution they need - and not a life investment, ”he says and elaborates:
“Our success can be measured by speed! It is extremely important that when people want to see a vacant home, it must be possible as soon as possible. We have to be ready when they are there and hold an open house on Tuesday night, if that is what the customer wants. ”
Steen Lundsfryd personally thrives on being available. When Børsen Ejendomme talks to him, he is actually on holiday with his children and has just come ashore from a canoe trip. I actually feel good about just checking in - even when I'm not in the office, ”he says.
"The decision-making process is very short when people have to rent a home"
Steen Lundsfryd
A new leg
Today, Housing Denmark still has full focus on their core business, which is rental housing for people from the expat community. But a new leg has recently come on and has expanded the company's focus areas.
“It really took off two years ago, when we saw a gap in the market that came from a tendency for many construction projects to be underway, but for sales to fall. We anticipated that the homes would become vacant, and therefore we purposefully entered that market,” says Steen Lundsfryd.
Housing Denmark typically gets an entire project for rent - e.g. 100 apartments, and the director loves that challenge. "It's cool to work with professional landlords, but it can be more difficult to rent out homes that have not yet been built," says the CEO, who, however, does not face a challenge: "It has been exciting to throw yourself over a new market and we are doing well so far. ”
Photo: Carsten Bundgaard
EJENDOMME By Anna Keemink
17 Aug 2020 KL.17: 36