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220 m² house | Valby

2500 Valby

Nice furnished house in Copenhagen


This property is unfortunately rented out and is no longer available on our website.

House details

220 m²
1 Living rooms
2 Bathrooms
4 Bedrooms
Near train
Near school
Open garage
No residence requirement
Pet friendly


The groundfloor offers a spacious livingroom with access to a nice terrace and garden , kitchen and dining room combined with a nice fireplace, two bedrooms and bathroom with floor heating. The first floor offers a bright and wonderful bedroom with two french balcony's and a fireplace. The lower level consists of two bedrooms, storage room and a bathroom. Dette flotte hus er beliggende i Valbys mest eftertragtede villakvarterer, Hanssted Kvarter og præsenterer sig flot ud mod den stille villavej. Vigerslevparken ligger nærmest i baghaven med boldbaner, legeplads og en hyggelig løbetur under de skyggefulde træer, inden Damhussøen breder sig i forlængelse af parken. Nærområdet gemmer på alt, hvad I nogensinde behøver. På jeres vej ind mod Københavns centrum, blot seks km væk, passerer I desuden også Frederiksberg Have og Søndermarken samt områdets mangfoldighed af shopping, kultur og indkøb.

About the area

Valby is a fantastic district of Copenhagen just a few kilometers from City. In Valby you get the same feel as you do in Copenhagen, but still with easy access to large parks such as Valbyparken, Søndermarken or Frederiksberg Have.

Valby has many S-train stations (H train, F-train C-train, driving constantly) and buses arriving around the clock. Getting to town is easy and fast.

Valby has a very good cafe and restaurant life, and has a new shopping mall Spinderiet, located at the station. But you will also find a lot of small local businesses.
There are always life and happy days in Valby, and if you like the Copenhagen's vibrant atmosphere, Valby is just for you. But with a little faster access to quiet places.
You will experience many cultural activities and sports facilities, and with all the parks there is great opportunity for running and walking routes.

Valby is also child friendly with one of Copenhagen's best playgrounds. Naturlegepladsen in Valbyparken and the playground in Skydebaneparken. You will also find a nice waterculture house for the whole family, as well as you have the Zoo and Carlsberg Town near you. In winter, the whole family can enjoy the ice skating rink at Toftegårds Plads.

Welcome to Valby.


This property is unfortunately rented out and is no longer available on our website.

Visiting hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 17:00

Friday 8:30 - 16:00

Weekends By appointment

Visiting hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 17:00

Friday 8:30 - 16:00

Weekends By appointment